Following the Footsteps of Vincent van Gogh Lecture at POUVG
If you’re reading our Culture Tourist Blog, you probably know about one of our favourite cultural travel campaigns ever – Follow van Gogh (#followvangogh). We did it in partnership with the Route Van Gogh back in spring 2019.
During it, our founder, Tea Gudek Šnajdar, travelled for two weeks from Amsterdam, through the Netherlands, Belgium, all the way to the south of France. She visited locations somehow linked to the life and work of Vincent van Gogh.
Tea’s travel journal was quite popular, and if you haven’t yet, you can read all the articles published on Culture Tourist about the Follow van Gogh trip on this link.
Since our favourite painter is quite inspirational to people all around the world, we are doing some smaller projects linked to our Follow van Gogh campaign still. One of them was the lecture Culture Tourist organised last week at the POUVG in Velika Gorica (Croatia).
During an hour-long lecture, Tea talked about Van Gogh’s life, his travels and how they inspired his art. She also compared some of his paintings with the locations on which he created them, which was quite interesting to the audience.
Thanks for the invite to Ms Vesna Gjurković and the whole team at POUVG. We hope to see you soon on some fun lectures again!

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